I was so excited to put this in the collection for 'Joan' but it made more sense to just keep everything in wool. But I love it all the same and will find more uses for them. (I say them because I made a couple bum flaps. So excited to wear them!!)
I never thought I'd see the day when a Versace dress would be at the top of my wishlist.
Does anyone else ever wish they could just wear floor length dresses that drag for casual errands? I'd love to wear it to pick my boyfriend up from the airport, except in white!
This is not meant to be a good thing. I personally hate books on tape. It takes away my right to imagine and formulate my own opinion or story behind the picture. As much as I love Miu Miu...and assorted other brands who have decided to jump on this band wagon, does anyone else find it obnoxious?
It's like in America's Next Top Model when Tyra says you need to be a spokes person. NO, YOU DON'T. Models are not meant to talk. They are meant to look good and you only really need to use a photograph to capture a great moment in time. Videos spoil the romance.
I compare it to books on tape because I don't need some deep voiced british man, even if it is Ian Mckellan, to narrate Harry Potter for me. Really, I'd rather just imagine the voices myself because no matter how awesome Ian Mckellan is (Side note: Ian Mckellan doesn't actually do the Harry Potter Books on Tape, I am just giving this as an example cause it's some British guy who's doing the reading (look a parenthesis within a parenthesis! I have actually made another assumption. I may have listened to Harry Potter books on tape for a minute and don't actually remember whether or not the reader was British), he is not Hermione Granger,nor Professor McGonagall, MAYBE he's Professor Dumbledore, but that's it. No one else.
I doubt the fashion vids are going to stop anytime soon, as books on tape are still very popular, but just because ipads/iphones are in everyone's hand doesn't mean you have to make fashion videos for them. You can just do a really awesome slide show? LOL. Ok now I sound like a dinosaur who hates technology.
THE COVER IS AWFUL. It looks like a jewelry commercial. Halle Berry stick to your boy cuts. You with a bob is awkward. I try to be positive about things you know, I get it, American Vogue looks different from all the other ones because they feature celebrities on the cover and not models. It's a shame because generally the other shoots inside are ten thousand times better than the cover. If you insist on continuing with this celebrity stuff, can we use someone other than Mario Testino? Because maybe then, the covers will stop looking so heinous.